Excellent photo session in the studio “Kieks”


Thanks to the photo studio “Kieks” for great photos. It was very interesting for us to take part in your New Year’s photo project. Our white fuzzies perfectly complement the New Year’s photos in such a wonderful year of 2018, the Year of the Dog.

We all received lot of positive emotions and joy from the process of photoshooting with dogs. All the participants just fell in love with our Samoyed couple – Sam & Lora.

Chipping puppies

dob. 07.01.2019y Today We received puppy cards “puppy” on our litter “B” 2019r. Now all of our kids have an embedded microchip, which makes it possible to identify the dog in travels, exhibitions … In our house now live 7 perfectly-folded kids. Short muzzles, large bones and moderate temperament – this is how our kids…

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Samoyed dogs Health

In general, Samoyeds are a healthy breed of dog, but if you notice in your ward …

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About the breed Samoyed dog

Samoyed is a friendly, gentle dog with a good character, it’s wonderful …

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