Features of training Samoyed dog


These dogs have been pleasing people for thousands of years, and completely voluntarily, so the habit of benefiting them in the blood. But if you are not confident in your abilities, you can enlist the support of a competent instructor or handler. In this case, you will learn, first of all, you, not the pupil. And only then to master all sorts of wisdom together.

These dogs are “imprisoned” for communication, and with a wide range of people. They have always been stray dogs, not just one family. And for full development they need early socialization.

Forget about violent methods in training Samoyeds. The use of brute force will only offend the proud Samoyed and kill any desire to learn.

To properly raise a Samoyed, you have to absorb the spirit of the pack and learn its laws. Seniors eat first, so the pet is fed only after everyone else has eaten. The leader is the first to enter the house – so the Samoyed follows you. Juniors by status should not be confused underfoot – so the dog should know the command “Place”.

If the Samoyed is guilty, you can take it by the withers, shake it and press it to the floor. This is a painless, but quite effective way to convey the idea that the pet was wrong.

Why should you teach your Samoyed?

Basic lessons that ensure the safety of the dog and the peace of others: “To me”, “Near”, “Fu”, “Place”, “Sit”, “Lie”, “Spit”. Further wisdom – at your discretion, Samoyed intelligence allows you to learn many things. But the basic commands must be executed unquestioningly and in any situation.

It is better to start Samoyed training from 2-3 months

Samoyeds are able to master many professions: search, rescue, sled dog, athlete (agility, frisbee, freestyle, etc.)

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